WELCOME! to the website for LOUISE GIBBS, jazz vocalist, composer/arranger, educator, and writer. This website represents my involvement with music: as musician; as educator; as researcher-writer. You can find out more about these (intersecting) areas of interest through the following pages:
MUSIC: Upcoming gigs; Current projects; Recordings; Compositions
EDUCATION: Individual tuition; workshops; Educational experience; Institutional affiliations; Educational resources for viewing and download
RESEARCH: Interests in – Improvisation – Jazz vocal style and technique – Musical Aesthetics – Professional Development for Musicians and Music Teachers; List of Conference Papers; Research materials for viewing and download
Feel free to roam around the site, to listen, view materials, contribute to the blog, leave your details on the mailing list or make an enquiry. Ideas in themselves don’t belong to any one person, but assembling or recasting them is an investment of commitment, effort and time. So if you want to use any of my materials, kindly acknowledge their source – www.louisegibbs.co.uk
For more details: