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Tuition and Workshop Leading

Educated at Columbia University, New York (MA Music 1983; MEd Music Education 1984) Louise Gibbs brings a wealth of experience to teaching voice, jazz performance and improvisation, and professional development. She has taught, devised curricula and learning materials, and given workshops in these subjects at all levels and at every major conservatoire in the UK.

Louise was, until her recent return to freelance life, Associate Professor and Course Leader for the Postgraduate Programme and, subsequently, the Jazz Programme at Leeds College of Music. Before coming to Leeds she led the Professional and Continuing Education Department and taught in the Music Department at Goldsmiths, University of London (1988-2004) and Visiting Professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (1988-2000). She is currently External Examiner for the Licentiate (LRAM) professional qualification at the Royal Academy of Music.

If you want to find out about tuition and workshop opportunities with Louise Gibbs follow on…